Course Introduction
- Introductions and objectives
- What and Why containers
- Building images
- Running containers
- Registry and image management
Kubernetes Overview
- Kubernetes project
- Plugin interfaces
- Building Kubernetes
- Kubectl CLI
Beyond Kubernetes Basics
- Kubernetes objects
- Pods, replicas, and deployments
- Services
- Deployment management
- Rolling updates
- Controlling deployments
- Pod and container configurations
Kubernetes Networking
- Networking within a pod
- Pod-to-Pod Networking
- Services to Pods
- ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer
- Ingress controllers
- Service Discovery via DNS
Stateful Applications in Kubernetes
- Stateless versus Stateful
- Volumes
- Persistent volumes claims
- StorageClasses
- StatefulSets
Additional Kubernetes Considerations
- Dynamic configuration
- ConfigMaps
- Secrets
- Jobs, CronJobs
- Network policy
- Applying a NetworkPolicy
- SecurityContext
- runAsUser/Group
- Service accounts
- Role-based access control
Logging and Monitoring
- Logging for various objects
- Sidecar logging
- Node logging
- Audit logging
- Monitoring architecture
- Monitoring solutions
- Octant
- VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™
Cluster Operations
- Onboarding new applications
- Backups
- Upgrading
- Drain and cordon commands
- Impact of an upgrade to running applications
- Troubleshooting commands
VMware Tanzu™ portfolio overview