1 Course Introduction
- Introductions and course logistics
- Course objectives
2 Advanced Blueprints
- Use advanced YAML and cloudConfig to deploy a functioning 2-tier application with a phpMyAdmin front-end server and a MySQL database server
- Use troubleshooting techniques to debug problems in advanced YAML blueprints
- List the log files that can aid in troubleshooting blueprint deployment
3 Advanced Networking
- Use NSX-T advanced features in blueprints
- Interfacing to IPAMs
- Use NSX-T Data Center NAT in blueprints
- Use NSX-T Data Center routed networks
- Use NSX-T Data Center load balancers
- Use NSX-T Data Center security groups
- Use tags with NSX-T Data Center network profiles
4 Using vRealize Orchestrator Workflows for
- Extensibility
- Creating Day-2 Actions with vRealize Orchestrator workflows
- Troubleshoot vRealize Orchestrator cluster issues
- Use vRealize Orchestrator to add computer objects to Active Directory when vRealize Automation deploys blueprints
- Use a tagging approach to vRealize Orchestrator workflows
- Use dynamic forms with vRealize Orchestrator
5 Using ABX Actions
- Determine when to use ABX and when to use vRealize Orchestrator
- Using ABX to create day-2 Actions
- Calling PowerShell from ABX
6 Kubernetes Administration
- Define basic Kubernetes terminologies such as pod, service, and deployment
- List various options to integrate vRealize Automation with Kubernetes
- Connect to an existing native Kubernetes cluster
- Integrate Kubernetes with VMware® Pivotal Container Service
7 Code Stream Administration
- Create and use CI/CD pipelines
- Use the Code Stream user interface
- Add states and tasks to a Code Stream pipeline
8 Integrating vRealize Automation with GitLab
- Define Git, GitLab, and GitHub
- Configure GitLab to support vRealize Automation blueprints
- Integrate vRealize Automation with GitLab
- Manage blueprints using GitLab source control
9 Configuration Management
- Describe the use case of Ansible and Ansible Tower
- Connect to Ansible Tower
- Use Ansible playbooks
- Use Puppet in configuration management
10 Clustered Deployment
- Use vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager in a clustered deployment
- Configure External Certificates
- Configure NSX-T Data Center load balancer
- Install or scale out VMware Identity Manager to support High Availability
- Install or scale vRealize Automation using clustered deployment
11 Clustered Deployment Architecture
- List of Kubernetes Pods
- The vRealize Automation Kubernetes architecture
- Relationship of Kubernetes pods to services
- Logs and their locations
- Blueprint deployment workflow with Kubernetes service interaction
- Backup strategies and potential problems
12 Troubleshooting vRealize Automation
- vracli commands and when to use them
- Check the status of Kubernetes pods and services
- Correct the state of pods and services
- Diagnose and solve vRealize Automation infrastructure problems
- Diagnose and solve vRealize Automation failures to deploy blueprints and services
- Use vRealize Log Insight to troubleshoot