
AWS Cloud Financial Management for Builders

Tóm tắt khóa học:

Khóa học này dành cho những cá nhân muốn tìm hiểu cách quản lý, tối ưu hóa và dự đoán chi phí khi bạn chạy khối lượng công việc trên AWS. Bạn sẽ học cách triển khai các phương pháp hay nhất về kiến ​​trúc, khám phá các chiến lược tối ưu hóa chi phí và các mẫu thiết kế để giúp bạn thiết kế các giải pháp tiết kiệm chi phí trên AWS.

Thời lượng khóa học: 1 Ngày

Nội dung khóa học:

Day 1

Module 0: Couse Overview

  • Course introduction

Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Financial Management

  • Introduction to Cloud Financial Management
  • Four pillars of Cloud Financial Management

Module 2: Resource Tagging

  • Tagging resources
  • Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Control Resource Consumption Using Tagging and AWS Config

Module 3: Pricing and Cost

  • Fundamentals of pricing
  • AWS Free Tier
  • Volume discounts
  • Savings plans and Reserved Instances
  • Demonstration: AWS Pricing Calculator

Module 4: AWS Billing, Reporting, and Monitoring

  • Understanding AWS invoices
  • Reporting and planning
  • AWS Cost Explorer
  • AWS Budgets
  • Demonstration: AWS Billing Console
  • Demonstration: AWS Cost Explorer
  • Demonstration: Trusted Advisor
  • Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Deploy Ephemeral Environments Using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Day 2

Module 5: Architecting for Cost: Compute

  • Evolution of compute efficiency
  • Amazon EC2 right-sizing
  • Purchasing options
  • Architect for Amazon EC2 Spot Instance
  • Impact of software licensing
  • Demonstration: Compute Optimizer
  • Demonstration: Spot Instance Advisor
  • Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Right Size Amazon EC2 Instances Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics

Module 6: Architecting for Cost: Networking

  • Data transfer costs
  • Understand data costs for different services
  • How to triage network costs
  • Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Reduce Data Transfer Costs Using Amazon CloudFront and Endpoints

Day 3

Module 7: Architecting for Cost: Storage

  • Amazon EBS cost, pricing, and best practices
  • Amazon S3 cost, pricing, and best practices
  • Amazon EFS cost, pricing, and best practices
  • Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Reduce
  • Storage Costs Using Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management

Module 8: Architecting for Cost: Databases

  • Amazon RDS cost, pricing, and best practices
  • Amazon Aurora cost, pricing, and best practices
  • Amazon DynamoDB cost, pricing, and best practices
  • Amazon ElastiCache cost, pricing, and best practices
  • Amazon Redshift cost, pricing, and best practices

Module 9: Cost Governance

  • Setting up AWS Organizations
  • AWS Systems Manager
  • Hands-On Lab: Cost optimization: Reduce Compute Costs Using AWS Instance Scheduler

Module 10: Course Summary

Course review