Unit 1: Introduction to Variant Configuration
Introduction to Variant Configuration
- Give an introduction to Variant Configuration
- Identify four configurable object types
- Create sales order for a configurable material
Unit 2: Classification Tools
Characteristics Maintenance
- Describe characteristics maintenance
- Explain the special features of characteristics maintenance for VC?
- Work with reference characteristics and create a linkage to database tables and fields
Class Maintenance
- Maintain classes
- Assign objects to classes and search objects in classes
Unit 3: Materials, BOMs and Task Lists
- Work with Materials and perform the necessary settings for VC
Material BOM
- Work with Bill of Materials and perform the necessary settings for VC
- Do the necessary settings for VC
Task List
- Maintain a Task List and perform the necessary settings for VC
- Do the necessary settings for VC
Unit 4: Configuration Profile
Classic and Advanced Variant Configuration
- Explain the differences and similarities between classic and advanced variant configuration
Configuration Profile
- Define a configuration profile and use different configuration scenarios
Unit 5: Overview of Object Dependencies
Use and Types of Dependencies
- Explain the use, types and function of object dependencies
Paradigms of the SAP Configurator and Introduction to the Syntax
- Explain the paradigms of the SAP configurator
- Give an introduction the syntax
Variant Tables, Functions and PMEVC
- Understand variant tables and functions
- Explain the benefits of the product modeling environment PMEVC
Unit 6: Object Dependencies in BOMs and Task Lists
Selection Condition in BOMs and Task Lists
- Define selection conditions in BOMs and task lists
Class Nodes
- Explain the benefits of class nodes
- Define and work with class nodes
Procedures with Reference Characteristics (Quantity and Time Change)
- Define procedures with reference characteristics (quantity and time change)
- Change time and quantity with procedures
Unit 7: Dependencies for the Value Assignment Interface - 1
Interface Design, Characteristic Grouping and PMEVC
- Define an interface design / a characteristic group and work with PMEVC
- Work again with the product modeling environment
Constraints: An Introduction
- Explain the benefits of constraints
Constraints: First Details
- Define your own constraints
- Edit formulas and tables
Unit 8: Dependencies for the Value Assignment Interface - 2
Procedures for Value Assignment Interface
- Define and work with Procedures
- Define variant tables in simple dependencies to interfere values
Use additional functionalities of procedures
Facet Changes with Pre- and Selection Conditions
- Pre- and selection conditions for value assignment interface
- Work with selection conditions for characteristics, declared to required characteristics
Unit 9: Variant Configuration in Pricing
Pricing and Variant Configuration in Sales
- Do the pricing for your variant configuration scenario
- Add factors to pricing
Pricing and Variant Configuration in Purchasing
- Define the pricing for variant configuration in purchasing
Unit 10: Material Variants
Material Variants
- Explain the benefits of working with material variants
- Create material variants
Unit 11: VC – Integration Logistic Chain
Processes in SD
- Explain the processes in sales and distribution
- Define dependencies depending on sales document category or type
Processes in Planning and Production
- Define processes for planning and production
Unit 12: Product Structure
Product Structure
- Explain Product Structure in IPPE
- Use the product structure inside Product Structure Management (PSM)
Unit 13: Transfer Classic (LO-VC) Models into Advanced (AVC) Models
Transfer Classic (LO-VC) Models into Advanced (AVC) Model
- Explain and execute the transformation from classic (LO-VC) models to advanced (AVC) models
Unit 14: Appendix
Knowledge Base and Runtime Version
- Define knowledge base and runtime version
- Define configuration models in SAP S/4 HANA backend
- Understand the benefits of a knowledge base and runtime version
Master Data Changes with Engineering Change Management
- Perform master data changes with Engineering Change Management (ECM)
Order Change Management
- Define the benefits of Order Change Management
- Define a release key for OCM
- Perform OCM changes
Data for Exercises, Additional Slides
- Read additional data which is used in our exercises
- Understand the additional slides
Data for Exercises
- Get an overview of the used exercise data