
IBP800 - SAP IBP for Response and Supply

Course Summary:

• Explain how SAP IBP is used to address supply chain issues across shorter planning horizon. • Use SAP IBP Response and Supply to develop a rough-cut capacity plan, and an operational supply plan, and respond to short-term changes • Execute order-based optimizer to support business processes • Create a short-term deployment run, using heuristic and optimizer • Provide an overview of Flexible Planning Area (SAP7F) and Real Time Integration (RTI)

Course Duration: 3 days

Course Content:

Unit 1: Overview and Positioning of SAP IBP for response and supply

Overview of SAP IBP response and supply

  • Introduce SAP IBP for response and supply

Overview of SAP IBP response and supply business planning processes

  • Provide an Overview of SAP IBP response and supply business planning processes

Business Coverage and Integration Overview

  • Outline Business Coverage and Integration Overview

Case Study (Optional)

  • Explain how SAP IBP is used to address Supply Chain Issues faced by a customer over the entire planning horizon.

Unit 2: Flexible Planning Area and Order-Based Profiles

Introduction to Flexible Data Model

  • Understand the Flexible Data Model

SAP7F Planning Area

  • Understanding the basics of SAP7F Planning Area

Order-Based Settings

  • Explain Order-Based Settings

SAP IBP Order-Based Planning Basics and Profiles

Describe various profiles in SAP IBP OBP

Versions and Scenarios

  • Describe the difference between Order-Based Planning Version and Scenario and Time-Series Based Planning

Setting up Flexible Data Model for OBP

  • Understand how to work with Flexible Master Data

Working with Flexible Master Data

  • Understand how to setup Data Model for OBP Planning with Flexible Master Data

Supply Chain Model Used for Exercises

  • Describe Supply Chain Model Used for Exercises in this course

Supply Planning Run

  • Describe the details of Supply Planning Run

Unit 3: Real Time Integration

Real-Time Integration

  • Understand the option for real-time integration between SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA on-premise, and SAP IBP for master and transactional data
  • Explain the transfer of data with real-time integration and monitoring
  • Understand the prerequisites for the usage of real-time integration
  • Explain the multiple external systems and multiple planning areas

Real-Time Integration Reconciliation and Deletion

  • Explain comparison and reconciliation
  • Explain configuration of queue monitoring
  • Understand the deletion job for transactional data

Real-Time Integration Additional Considerations

  • Answer questions on RTI Adoption by existing Customers using SDI

Real-Time Integration Extensibility of the Master Data

  • Learn how to Extend Master Data

Unit 4: Supply Planning with Allocation Creation Run

What is the Supply Planning with Allocation Creation Run and Why Execute It?

  • Describe features of the Supply Planning with Allocation Run

Key Capabilities

  • Describe the key features of the Supply Planning with Allocation Creation run

Unit 5: Supply Planning with Order Confirmation Run

What is Response Planning (Also Known As Supply Planning with Order Confirmation Run) and Why Execute it?

  • Understand where Response Planning fits in the entire process

Additional Capabilities

  • Describe Additional Capabilities of Response Planning

Response Planning and Available-to-Promise (ATP)

  • Describe the interaction between SAP IBP Order-Based Planning and Available-to-Promise (ATP)

Unit 6: Optimizer

Overview of Order-Based Supply Optimizer

  • Get an overview of Order-Based Optimizer

Order-Based Optimizer Costs

  • Explain the Costs used in Order-Based Optimizer

Optimizer Run Details

  • Describe the Optimizer Run Details

Describing an Optimized Deployment Plan

  • Describe features of an optimized deployment plan

Defining Fair Share in Order-Based Optimization

  • Describe features and capabilities of Fair Share in Order-Based Optimization

Outlining How to Achieve Fair Share for Demands

  • Outline how Fair Share of Demand can be achieved

Outlining How to Achieve Fair Share for Inventory

  • Outline how fair share for inventory can be achieved

Describing Optimization Best Practices

  • Describe Optimization Best Practices

Unit 7: Deployment Planning Using Heuristics

Describing Deployment Planning and Reasoning behind Execution

  • Understand the Deployment Run

Unit 8: Special Topics

Order-Based Planning Calendars

  • Describe Calendars in Order-based planning

Switchable Constraints

  • Explain the constraints that can be considered during SAP IBP OBP Planning Runs

Synchronized Planning – Production Planning Integration

  • Provide an Overview of Integration to Production Planning